#eshu #elegua #orisha In this video I explain the various meanings of the phrase “Esu Odara”! I also identify some of the different types of Eshu’s that can be received in Ifa, and who can have them! Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share! Follow Me! 🏃🏽 📸 IG & FB: @josephbabaifa Thank…
#esu #eshu #elegua #ifa #orisha In this video I clarify the differences between Eshu and Elegua! Who they are, what they represent, and the connection between both of them! Be sure to Subscribe to get notifications about the subsequent Eshu videos! Social Media: Joseph Baba Ifa Contact: Botanica Candles &…
#irunmole #ajogun #ori #iwapele #esu #orunmila #ifa #lukumi #isese In this video I touch on what an Irunmole is, the significance of the Ajogun in the universe, the importance of receiving Ori, Iwa Pele, and some of the topics that are going to be covered in the upcoming Eshu Videos!…
#moyugba #mojugba #ifa #josephbabaifa #botanicacandlesandmore In this video we talk about the significance of the Moyugba! Why we do it, What we’re saying, and When is it done! Subscribe! For Consultations and Religious Products Contact Botanica Candles & More @ (407) 440-2086 or botanicacandlesandmore.com
#elegua #esu #eshu #orisha #ifa #josephbabaifa #botanicacandlesandmore In the video we talk about the different viewpoints on this topic! Which odu’s speak of it, Why this a popular concept, and What are the effects doing it can have on your household? Subscribe!
#josephbabaifa #enterthecrisis #orisha Here I Am Interviewed By Malik From “Enter The Crisis” YouTube Channel! In This Video We Touch On Various Ifa And Orisha Topics! Be Sure To Subscribe To “Enter The Crisis” and “Joseph Baba Ifa” YouTube Channels!
#ogun #oggun #orisha In this video we talk about the different ways to receive the Orisha Oggun in Ifa! Also what to expect depending if you receive him from a Babalawo, Olorisha, or in Isese! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE! To Schedule A Consult Contact Botanica Candles @ More (407)440-2086 @josephbabaifa…
#ochun #oshun #orisha Here we delve into the odu’s that explain why the mirror is a power symbol for Oshun, the Orisha of love and beauty! SUBSCRIBE! Leave questions in comments! @josephbabaifa @botanicacandlesandmore To schedule a consult call Botanica Candles & More (407)440-2086
#ebo #ebbo # josephbabaifa #botanicacandlesandmore Talking about why we do ebbo in Ifa, different types of Ebbo, the materials used to make it happen, and the effects it can have on our life! SUBSCRIBE!!! To schedule a consultation contact Botanica Candles & More (407)440-2086 @josephbabaifa @botanicacandlesandmore
#ideu #oshun # ibeji In this video I talk about Ideu’s relation to Oshun, what to invoke him for, and what he’s associated with! Be sure to Subscribe!
#olofin #olorun # olodumare 🤴🏿🌞🕒 In this video I break down the differences between these 3 titles, and explain the connection of all of them to the concept of the supreme being within Yoruba theology! Be sure to Subscribe!
#Ozun #Osun #Orunmila In this video we talk about Opa Osun! Answering questions such as where he should go within the home! As well as explaining the different manifestations based on tradition!
#spiritpot #eggun #ifa Explaining the various reasons and benefits of receiving a spirit pot through one’s odu of Ifa! As well as touching on the various manifestations of this practice across different cultures in Africa!
Here are the things you can expect to receive during your Hand of Ifa ceremony in the AfroCuban or Isese Traditions!
In This Video I Talk About The Coconut, It’s Significance Within Ifa, And How To Open It Safely! Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share! #Ifa #Orisha #Coconut #Babalawo
In this video I speak about the Orisha "Oro", also known as "Orun" in the Lukumi tradition! I touch on how he is viewed in Yoruba culture, his relationship with other orishas, and the origins of the society associated with him! Like, Subscribe, Share, Comment! Follow: @botanicacandlesandmore @josephbabaifa
In this video I'm talking about the deity Oricha Oko! I mention various pataki about him, his significance in Yoruba culture, and how to connect with him! Subscribe! & Follow! @botanicacandlesandmore @josephbabaifa
Open Video Discussion! Topics That I Touch On In This Video: Why is it so important to receive Hand of Ifa before anything else?, Yoruba theology and the selection of one's destiny, Can a child of Oya receive orishas from a child of Chango? Un hijo de Oya puede recibir…
Oduduwa is seen as the Father of the Yoruba tribe! In this video I give new insights on this obscure Orisha! Like, Subscribe, Share, and Comment! @josephbabaifa @botanicacandlesandmore
In this video I talk about the Orisha Chango! Who he was, what he likes, and his significance within Ifa! LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, SHARE! @josephbabaifa @botanicacandlesandmore
In this video I delve into the Orisha Obatala! Who he was, How he is viewed, and What he likes! Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share! @josephbabaifa @botanicacandlesandmore
In this video I discuss some of the questions you should be asking yourself before you select someone to be your godparent!
In this video I talk about the Orisha Oya! The different aspects of her personality, the orishas and things she's associated with, and why I feel she is one of the most complete female Orishas! Subscribe, Like, Comment, and Share! @josephbabaifa @botanicacandlesandmore
In this video I explain what is "La Letra Del Año" or the "Odu Of The Year", and some of it's history! I also interpret the Odu that was revealed in Cuba for the year 2020! Ogunda Ogbe!