Hey Family
May 19, 2024

Dada Bañani Bayani Bayanni Ajaka Orisha Santeria Ifa Lukumi Chango Agayu Alafin Oyo Yoruba

Dada Bañani Bayani Bayanni Ajaka Orisha Santeria Ifa Lukumi Chango Agayu Alafin Oyo Yoruba

Have you heard of the Orisha Dada? In Lukumi Santeria she is seen as the older sister of Shango who raised him. In Isese he is seen as Chango's brother. In this Our Roots Podcast episode, Joseph Baba Ifa delves into the various concepts that compose this Orisha's identity to identify the best lessons we can learn from it. Don't miss this episode family! #dada #chango #ifa